
Flow Series

These are predominantly about flow, movement or rhythm, whether it be in the mark or the colour or both. There’s a sense of change coming through the mark or colour. Ranging from one that is called “Passing by”, which is a very simple broad brush water colour, with a kind of reflection underneath it, to a larger painting which is called “Nearly there”. This is like the movement of a landscape towards something, but I don’t really want to say what it is, I’ve heard interpretations of it in many different ways so it’s like saying don’t think of a white horse. How do you stop when someone has put that into your mind. These types of painting are for people who are willing to accept and then see what they feel from it. 

The process is like a triangle, one point is the painter, the second the painting , the third the person looking at it. The person looking at the painting will interpret it perhaps differently, if this is communicated back to the painter then the triangle is complete. It is in fact about communication.
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