Cross Series

Cross Series

These are slightly connected to other paintings where I think there is another series called interface and one called banded motifs which are all quite similar in the sense that they are abstract except that in this particular series there is always the sense of a cross, a horizontal line and a vertical line somewhere but not just as a cross. It’s mostly as a kind of energy but the cross is a determination point, in other words the horizontal is a little bit like a horizon and the vertical is a little bit like a growth, upwards or downwards. 
I think, simplifying, it was interesting trying to do what I’ve done in other paintings which is to restrict the colours, with certain colours more dynamic, or changing where the cross meets, or the centre point of the cross, or a line of energy going through. 
I have searched always by painting and painting until colours come, or forms come that to me feel right or different. Something I have felt or, the opposite, something I have never felt. 
I think I am guided by the idea that if i discover that something touches a point or, in effect seems very unusual to me, it is probably the time to stop or move in that direction. These paintings and one in particular that is very dark, has very little in it, is very muddy and is called the brown cross and I’m surprised that a few people have found it interesting because there is almost a lack of information. Maybe it calms people because they don’t have to see or make judgements. There’s very little to criticise, or make judgements on, except the whole thing of course.
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